Dropship Statistics

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The UD-4 'Cheyenne' is a versatile dropship and tactical transport employed in a primary role in the US Colonial Marine Corps. Derived from an original Department of Defense requirement formulated at the end of the Tientsin conflict for a multi-role light aerospace shuttle capable of lifting heavy payloads up to 16,000 kg, the UD-4 has evolved into the definitive dropship design, influencing the shape of many derivatives and successors.

The Cheyenne's unique flexibility comes from its ability to lift itself into orbit under its own power from unprepared landing sites with the aid of its vertical take-off (VTOL) capability. In addition to carrying its large payload, the Cheyenne can operate in the close-support gunship role by deploying weapons pods and hardpoints for rockets and missiles, as well as using its own internal gun.

Airframe The lifting-body airframe is built around its 103.6 cubic meter internal payload bay, flanked to the sides and aft by the tri-skid undercarriage. Forward of the payload space is the cockpit and the mounts for the ramrocket engines and control surfaces.

The principle frame is constructed from superplastic-formed diffusion-bonded metal matrix composits (MMC). These light, oxidation-resistant MMC structural members are formed from high-modulus, high-strength gold and chrome doped zirconium oxide reinforced fibers in a titanium aluminimide matrix. They form a structural web running the length of the fuselage, encompassing the payload volume. Spars and members attached to the main frame are constructed from titanium aluminide MMC and refractive composites with titanium root fittings to transfer bending moments to the structural web.  The fuselage skinning comprises tri-layer plates attached to the titanium aluminide frame. The inside layer is a carbon-carbon composition (graphite fibers in a carbon matrix) bonded to a middle layer of single-crystal carbon. This crystal carbon layer will not melt on the reentry and can effectively conduct excess heat away from the leading-edge surfaces.  A thin ceramic outer layer provides thermal and oxidation protection in the high-altitude, high speed realm.

The payload bay is a 9.5 l x 4.5 w x 2.4 h meter (102.6m^3) volume with a 3.92 meter wide deck ramp suspended from four dual-hydraulic assemblies. The deck ramp can comfortably carry a fully-crewed M577 APC (with turret stowed) or a HALOS stores pallet, and is able to raise the cargo completely into the payload space from ground level. Within the bay, detent latches are automatically activated, extending to hold cargoes in place when the deck is raised. A 20 cm cavity to either side of the payload bay separates the cargo volume from the outer skin and contains the main structural members, cable runs and blower pipes from the forward turbines to the aft lift nozzles.

Aft of the payload bay, a step gantry can be lowered to the port side to allow crew access. Forward of the bay, a small volume accommodates three seats for passengers and additional crew.

To either side of the forward payload space, the structural web extends outwards to form the static load points for the undercarriage, the fuel tank volume, and the mounts for the secondary weapon bays. Aft of the payload space is the huge rear skid strut and the fuel tankage for the ramrockets. The UD-4 undercarriage is a tri-skid arrangement in which the skids retract flush with the underside of the fuselage. The ramrocket engines are mounted above the main fuselage module, their intakes accepting the airflow across the upper fuselage. The aft fuselage assembly occupies the space between the engines and extends rearward to the butterfly contol surfaces. This volume contains the Fire Control Jamming Suite towed unit and the oxidant tanks for the ramrocket operation during exoatmospheric flight, with their associated cryogenic storage equipment. Just aft of the main engine nozzles are a pair of flush fitted extending airbrake panels which can also be deployed during re-entry for transonic and hypersonic stability.The butterfly control surfaces are designed to provide control authority in all axes at all speed regimes. They also supply tail lift at low speeds when dynamic pressure on the underside of the dropship lifting body drops and shifts the static center of lift fowards.

The turbine engines are mounted above the forward fuselage, either side of the cockpit access corridor. Multi-plate variable compression ramps feed air into the canted engines. Thrust from the plenum chambers is fed aft to the swivelling vertical take-off nozzels and forward to a single lifting nozzle beneath the nose.

The spacious pressurized cockpit is accessed from the payload bay and features two crew positions, seated in tandem. Both crew sit in Martin-Siekert R2102 zero-zero ejection seats which are cleared for operation at any altitude below 10,000 m and speeds below Mach (M=) 1. IN the event of an emergency, explosive vord blows the canopy off and the crew are ejected clear fo the ship. Canopy transparencies are made from single-crystal quartz, flash coated with gold, germanium, molydenum, and iridium to provide protection against bright light and short wavelength lasers. The coatings also act as a radar reflecting surface, preventing the entire cockpit volume from becoming a radar reflecting cavity.

The main fuselage also features the mounting points for the main weapon pods and the secondary weapon bays. The main weapon pods are attached to cross-folded pylons just forward of the ramrocket intakes, which in supersonic flight are stowed flush against the fuselage sides and the rear of the secondary bays. At subsonic speeds, the 4.4 m pyulons can be deployed crosswise to expose the ordinance within the pods. The total span of the pods when deployed is 15.3 m. The pods cannot be deployed at speeds above transonic because of the adverse effects of drag and the torsion caused by dynamic pressure on the pylons. The secondary bays also fold flush against the sides of the lifting body and can be swung out to expose all the weapon hardpoints and allow exhaust space for weapons launch. Unlike the main weapon pods, the secondary bays can be deployed at supersonic speeds up to M=2.4 without adverse effects on dropship handling.

Survivability features high on the list of UD-4 features. The airframe has proven crashworthy at low speeds and altitudes. A sandwich of Venlar ballistic armor layers protect the cockpit, fuel tanks and ramrocket cowlings from light ground fire or spent missile fragmentation and the ceramic outer skin layer has limited ablative properties against pulsed lasers. All electronic systems are hardened against the effects of TREE and particle beams. Though not designed to slug it out with ground or space defenses, experience has proven the Cheyenne to be exceptionally rugged, capable of withstanding considerable punishment while still remaining airborne.

However, it must be noted that even light damage can prevent a dropship from lifting into orbit. A breach of the fuselage skin will seriously compromise the ship's high-speed thermal protection, and even a tiny hole can cause oxidation or 'burn through' when atmospheric speeds exceed M=5.0. To prevent such accidents, a sensor net is bonded to the inside of the skinning to monitor for breaches, differential hull temperature, and ionization. If a breach is detected, a warning is flashed to the cockpit monitors to notify the crew.

The stepped tandem cockpit layout provides excellent visibility from both cockpits, unobstructed by a front canopy. All instruments, displays and controls are ergonomically positioned to allow easy and safe operation of the aircraft in all flight regimes. The tandem arrangement of all controls, communications and navigation systems allows the [gunner] to effectively observe, assist, or override the [pilot’s] actions as necessary.

Powerplant In order to be able to operate in all speed and altitude regimes from vertical take-off (VTOL) hover to the hypersonic trans-atmopheric, the UD-4 requires two types of powerplant. The main engines are a pair of Replublic Dynamics TF-900 variable-cycle turbines, each producing 310 kN static thrust. The redundancy offered by this dual-engine configuration increases the safety factor, allowing the UD-4 to continue to fly and hover on one engine even while half-loaded. Each engine has a three-stage fan and seven-stage compressor each driven by single-stage turbines to produce exceptionally high thrust for low specific fuel consumption. At subsonic speeds they operate as turbofans, providing the massive thrusts necessary for VTOL operation as well as fuel economy. In this mode, the fan bypass air is ducted through the nose exxhaust louvers during the hover, while the core air is fed to the aft side-bleed nozzles. At supersonic speeds the engine becomes a turbojet capable of supercruise.

High-altitude high-speed flight is permitted by the aft TF-220/A-14 ramrockets. The TR-220 is a combined-cycle engine capable of ramrocket and scramrocket operation from the supersonic to hypersonic regimes, and rocket power for transatmospheric operation. In atmospheric flight, airflow through the ramrocket intakes is directed past an inlet spike and through three rows of fuel injectors. The inslet spike modifies the shock wave through the airflow inlet whilst the choice of injectors depends on the speed of the dropship. Fuel is pressure-fed to the injectors and made to pass along and around the combustion chamber, both to cool it and to precondition the fuel. Heat from the chamber then vaporizes the fuel for one or the other of the three injector banks. The intensity of the shock wave through the airflow inlet determines the pressure in the combustion chamber which in turn determines the vaporization rate and the thrust. As the ramrocket engine goes faster, it becomes increasingly efficient. At low speeds - below M=1.5 - the ramrocket is extremely inefficient, but becomes progressively more useful as a power source as the dropship approces M=2. At M=2 the ramrocket comes into its own, and this is usually the point in flight that the main turbines shut down to standby and the transition is made to ramrocket power. Ramrocket acceleration from M=2 is rapid, peaking between M-8 and M=12, at which point the engine is operating as a scramjet with supersonic flow operating throughout the ramrocket engine tube.

Above 25km, the ramrocket pushes the inlet spike fully forward to seal the airflow intake, adnt he fuel injectors begin pumping oxidant into the combustion chamber for rocket operation. In this mode, the dropship is capable of transatmospheric flight. In an assult or shuttle operation, a Cheyenne usually has sufficient fuel to drop from orbit and achieve a low-orbital injection on its return. Descents can be made both powered or unpowered, dependent on the mission profile, though an injection burn from the rocket engines is usually required to reach a descent window from orbit.

Flight Characteristics The flight characteristics of the UD-4 prove it to be a stable and reliable platform in all regions of the aerospace realm and it is popular with its pilots. In the high speed (M=2+) regime the Cheyenne handles steadily, though the response to control inputs is somewhat slow due to the limiters in the flight software. Rolls and turns are difficult at such speeds because of the dangers associated with the reduction of airflow through the ramrockets or loos of lift resulting in departure of controlled flight, and so the dropship is limited to only the most gentle maneuvers. At low altitudes, speeds above M=2 are prohibited due to severe airframe buffer and the tendancy of the high mass flow through the ramrockets to cause flameout. High speed flight is therefore almost exclusively reserved for the high altitude climbout or seperation maneuver.

At subsonic speeds the lifting body configuration generates little lift and the pilot becomes increasingly reliant on the flight software and lift from the vectored thrust engines to keep the dropship stable in the air. Stall speed is very high, and as the Cheyenne approaches the stall it tends to fly increasingly nose-high. As transition is made through stall speed, vertical lift from the nose and stern nozles are bled in to prevent departure. Though the airftame is normally stressed to +6 g, manuevers in conventional flight greater than +3 g are prohibited due to the excessive stall speed, which can cause the Cheyeene to prematurely depart controlled flight. When fully loaded, turns greater than +1 g are prohibited. At very low speeds and at altitudes below 500m, VTOL hovering flight is recommended. The Cheyenne is at its nimblest in the hover; here, response is crisp in all axes and the dropship is a very steady weapons platform.

Stealth Characteristics As far as is possible, the fuselage has integrated low observable characteristics including rounded leading surfaces, shielded compressor intakes, and a butterfly tail. Much of the composite skinning is radar absorbent and from the forward quarter the Cheyenne has a radar cross-section (RCS) of less than 1.3m2, while from the front, where the engine intakes are fully visible, RCS increases to around 2.5m2. However, despite the attention paid to keeping RCS low, values for the beam and stern aspects are much greater, in some cases exceeding 50m2.

In the infrared, the Cheyenne is far easier to detect. Airframe heating is almost impossible to disguise at ranges under 10 km, and if the dropship has just completed a transatmospheric ascent or descent the detection radius can be 30 km or more in clear skies. Cold air blowers are installed in the side-bleed nozzles and the nose exhaust to reduce the infrared signature from the lift engines.

A variety of laser-absorbent skin coatings provide some defense against lidar and laser-targetting systems by attenuating the reflected strength of the beams. Even against coded beams this can cause range or profiling errors. However, because the coatings tend to be frequency-specific, they only provide coverage against a limited number of systems.

Avionics Systems The Cheyenne has a crew of two, comprising a Pilot and a Crew Chief/Weapons Officer.

Flight control is quadruplex digital fly-by-light with automatic self-monitoring and reversion to back-up modes, all handled through the Herriman-Weston 5/480 flight computer. There is no manual reversion since the dropship is too unstable to be flown with direct control inputs. Engine thrust and nozzle settings are automatically moved to their optimum positions depending on speed, attitude, throttle and stick settings. An intelligent autopilot facility allows the automatics to fly all phases of the mission profile, including ingress and egress to the target zone as well as landing and docking cycles.

The instrumentation and control layout is basically conventional, with a right-hand displacement-type control stick and left-hand throttles. About twenty fingertip controls on these handles give HOTAS (hands-on-throttles-and-stick) control of sensors, weapons, defense-aids etc.

The avionics system is designed to facilitate maximum cockpit efficiency, the semi-intelligent software registering all flight information as required on the pilot's wide-angle, heads-up display (HUD) and the three integrated Lorac multifunction displays (MFDs). These displays provide sensor-fusion presentations, map displays, armament status diagrams, checklists etc. The pilot's workload is reduced by a direct voice input (DVI) system, which may be employed for data entry, the selection of communication channels and operating modes for the MFDs, as well as weapons selection.

Navigation combines an inertial system with ring laser gyros and strapdown accelerometers, backed up by Global Positioning from reference satellites where available.

Dropship communications are handled through a AN/ASC-155 digital datalink offering HF, VHF, UHF and SHF broadcast options. The hardware includes two 12-channel receiver/transmitters with the associated antennae capable of establishing high performance voice, video or computer links in a stressed environment. Antijam features are classified, though they are known to include adaptive HF spectrum techniques to achieve a low probability of intercept and frequency hopping.

Sensors The 'L' variant sensor fit has evolved radically from the 'no-frills' package of the earlier model dropships. The demand for ever more capable on-board systems has grown as the Cheyenne's role as a multi-purpose platform has expanded and developed. Today, the UD-4 boasts a sensor suite as state-of-the-art and as capable as that of any strikeship or fighter currently in service.

Raw sensor information from all sources is collated and processed by the Integrated Flight Tactical Data System (IFTDS), which largely handles flight related data and routes all tactical information through to two major subprocessors, both of which are integrated with the offensive and defensive systems. The first is ATLIS (Advanced Threat and Launch Indication System), which is designed to detect and identify threats to the dropship and then direct the defensive countermeasures systems against them. The second is TIAS (Target Identification and Acquisition System), which processes battlefield target data and provides an interface between the crew and the fire control systems.

ATLIS is a powerful logic driver designed to evaluate threats from enemy aerospace craft, anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) and surface-to-air missiles (SAM), and compile a composite picture of the threat environment around the dropship. This picture is fed to the cockpit displays in the form of tactical displays, warnings and menus of defensive options to meet any actual or potential threats.

Crew members can select an option from the menu or, in rare cases, custom create their own; ATLIS then controls the activation and deployment of the onboard AN/ALQ-2004E defensive systems. If reaction times are too fast for the crew workload to cope with, the system has the ability to independently initiate defensive programs against any incoming threats.

The TIAS subsystem is a tactical interface between the crew and the weapons systems. Drawing on data from the primary sensors and ATLIS, it creates a synthetic picture of the tactical zone around the dropship, identifying and prioritizing targets and threats, and computing optimum flight profiles, firing solutions and weapons employment. It also interfaces with the fire control systems, constantly updating them with target information. Like ATLIS, this information is presented in the form of sensor-fusion tactical displays and option menus.

The primary tactical sensors comprise a multi-element package including an array of APQ-1178 active-scanned flat-plane radar antennae built into the airframe skinning. Waveguides are able to run two frequencies simultaneously through the antennae and the beams are electronically steerable to give spherical coverage of the ship. The frequencies are approximately 8,000 MHz for long range navigational scan, and 15,000 Mliz for medium range target acquisition and detailed ground mapping functions. Modes include pulse and frequency agile pulse against ground targets, Doppler and Doppler beam sharpening against air threats, and monopulse. The sidewards-looking antennae can also operate in synthetic aperture mode for high resolution ground mapping. The radar is capable of tracking 150 targets simultaneously, and against air threats can track a 2 m2 target at ranges up to 250 km. At short range, tactical target identification and fire control functions are handled by a steerable APQ-1800 millimeter wave radar positioned in the nose to give forward hemispherical coverage.  

Short ranged thermal and direct view optical sensors are mounted in clusters in eight internal bays situated along the length of the airframe, viewing out through small vision ports. Each cluster includes 640x480-element focal plane array Platinum-Silicide detector, a miniature CCD optical camera and an ultraviolet sensor on the same pannable mount. Linear motion compensators linked to an image autotracking (IAT) system allow the sensor clusters to maintain a steady lock onto a target image regardless of the maneuvers of the dropship platform. If the image passes beyond the panning limits of one cluster, the IAT will pass it down to the next.

Two laser bays - one in the starboard leading edge and one in the aft fuselage - mount AAS-162 lidar emitters in the 1 Kw to 10Kw range. Turreted optics and waveguides channel the laser beams into skin-integrated planar arrays to form mechanically steerable, optically alterable beams of variable width, polarization, power and waveform. Lidar coverage is spherical, with the capacity to accurately track up to two targets on a full time basis, or multiple targets on a shared basis. The lidar is capable of providing precise position data for any object within its line of sight. Clear skies maximum range for the lidar is 10 km, though this is frequently much less, depending on ambient atmospheric conditions. In addition to ranging and position information, the AAS-162 has a secondary role as point defense system (see Defensive Systems, below).

The Emission Detection System (EDS) isused to detect electromagnetic emitters in the 1 GHz to 1000 THz range, covering threats from long range radar to x-ray pulses. A series of antennae and receivers situated throughout the airframe provide omnidirectional coverage; detected emissions are fed into the EDS processor which identifies the direction, strength, waveform and polarity information on each signal. The EDS has an expansive threat library which is used to categorize detected signals. The EDS also incorporates an analysis system to evaluate and catalog unknown signals.

Defensive Systems The AN/ALQ-2004E defensive systems consist of four integrated subsystems mounted throughout the airframe. These are the acquistion jamming suite (AJS), fire control jamming suite (FCJS), missle defense system (MDS), and the decoy dispenser system (DDS).

The AJS is a defensive jamming system cued by ATLIS to prevent enemy radar from locking up or tracking the dropship. The AJS comprises several jammers covering radar wavelengths from 0.5 cm through 1 m. Numerous jamming techniques are available, the particular method being determined by the type of threat and its susceptiblity to different jamming modes. Because the number of threats the jammer can simultaneously jam is normally determined by power constraints and/or the sophistication of the threats, fast and intelligent system logics are employed to handle power management and the organization of part-time jamming.

Like any active jammer, the AJS broadcasts a signal which can give away the presence of the dropship. To prevent this, the AJS can be set to EMCON (EMission CONtrol) mode in which the jammer stays 'silent' until needed and then, when activated by a threat emitter, apportions jamming power to a threat according to the strength and type of threat faced.

The FCJS is a group of jammers which is cued by either the detection of a hostile emission or the warning of an incoming threat. Most of the suite's jammers are mounted internally in the dropship, but several - and many of the jammer antennae - are contained in a towed unit which can be deployed up to 50 m behind the dropship within one second of the FCJS being alerted. The FCJS is used to break lock-ons in cases where the AJS has failed to prevent acquisition. It utilises deception techniques to break a radar or missle's track or to input angular and range errors into the tracking loop. Jamming capability varies from simple automatic gain deception to sophisticated cross-polarization. FJCS is effective against pulse, pulse/doppler, continuous wave, squenced noise and multimode threats using lobing or monopulse tracking.

The towed unit is armored and equipped with aerodynamic snub wings to allow maneuvers - as dicatated by the system - up to 100 g. The towed unit provides wide separation between the jammer antennae to enhance monopulse jamming, and acts as a lure for missles and other projectiles. The towed unit can be used at any speeds between M=0.3 and M=2.9. If it cannot be deployed because of insufficient speed, the FCJS can still function, though effectiveness is reduced.

The MDS is a point defense system employed against incoming missles in their terminal phase, usually within 1,500 meters. The AAS-162 lidar aquires a missle then strobes a beam across its nose. This system is capable of dazzling a missile's optical/infrared seeker, or feeding false range information to its missile's optical/infrared seeker, or feeding false information to its laser fusing system. Naturally, the MDS is ineffective against radar or jamhoming weapons not equipped with laser fusing.

The Lascor ELVIREA II decoy dispenser system (DDS) is a multi-feed rotary launcher capable of firing conventional flare and chaff cartidges as well as the ALE-106 expendable mini-jammer. The ALE-106 can be employed either as a deception jammer or an electronic false target generator and has a secondary role as a decoy for anti-ECM capable missles.

Weaponry Fire control for the dropship can be accessed through TIAS by either the pilot or weapons officer; however,. most of the weapons workload is handled by the backseater. When not in combat, the Weapons Officer usually works 'heads down' in the cockpit, monitoring the tactical data output from TIAS and ATLIS. When engaged in combat, or in the tactical zone, the backseater usually flies 'heads up'. The Mk.30 tactical helmet worn by the Weapons Officer can look out of the cockpit at a target and TIAS will flash its profile onto the eyepiece display. Punching the fire control switch allows the WO to select tracking or launch functions verses the target and initiate an attack. The pilot has no eyepiece display, though TIAS will flash tactical information onto the forward Heads Up Display.

In practice, the Weapons Officer has responsibility for all targets in the tactical zone, though the pilot can engage targets immediately in front of the ship, and handles all the point-and-shoot attacks, such as with the rockets.

The 'L' variant tactical transport carries a wide array of powerful weaponry that can be used in dedicated support of its troop complement. Two main weapons bays fold out on extened pylons to deply weapon hardpoints capable of carrying 16 X 150 mm unguided rockets, 6 X 70mm unguided rockets and 4 X 120 mm guided rockests each. Two secondary bays on the port and starboard side of the fuselage house a further 12 hardpoints for Air-to-Air and Air-to-Surface missiles.

The dropship also mounts a dedicated 25 mm gatling gun in a powered cupola beneath the nose. The GAU-133/B is a six barrel weapon driven by a pneumatic motor turned by the engines at 6,000 rpm and geared down to the rear of the gun. Rounds are caseless, and do not carry their own propellant. Instead, the GAU-113 system uses hypergolic liquid fuels, stored and loaded separately, as a binary propellant. When fed into the chamber via spray nozzles, they react simultaneously to explode and propel the shell. Ammunition comprises a mix of Armor Piercing Incendiary, Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot and High Explosive Incendiary, and is fed from a 900 round drum beneath the cockpit.

RPG Stats:

Vehicle Type: UD-4L Class: Medium Tactical Dropship Crew: One pilot and one weapons officer , room for three extra crew behind cockpit. Cargo: 25 troops, or one M557 APC with crew, or one HALOS stores pallet. SDC: 600 Armor: Medium Vehicle Armor A.R. 10 S.D.C. 500 Crew Compartment Armor: Medium Armor/Crystalquartz Windows: A.R. 14 S.D.C. 350 Aircraft Engine Armor: Medium Armor A.R.13 S.D.C. 300 Speed: Mach 8 in space Range: 10,000km 

Statistical Data

Height: 6.05m Span: 12.59m Length: 25.18m Weight: 34,630kg fully loaded. Cargo: Payload of 16,000kg. Typical load consists of a platoon of 25 troops, or one fully crewed M557 APC, or HALOS stores pallets.  500 CF (125 cubic meters) Power System: Two General Dynamics TF-900 turbines. Two Rocketdyne TF-220/A-14 ramrockets. 

Weapon Systems

1. GAU-133/B 25mm Gatling Gun Damage: A 30 round burst of Armor-Piercng Incendiary does 3D6x10.  Rate of Fire: Equal to the character's hand to hand attacks per round. Range: Payload: 900 round drum. 2. Short Range Missile Pylons (2): The two main weapon pylons can each carry 26 short range missiles. The standard USCM/USASF weapons load carried per pylon is listed below:

(16) Mk16 150mm rockets: Damage: 2D6x10 SDC(HE warhead) Range: 1.5km (6) Mk10 70mm Zeus rockets: Damage: 2D4x10(Frag warhead) Range: 1km (4) Mk88 120mm guided rockets: Damage: 2D4x10(Light HE warhead) Range: 2km 3. Medium Range Missle Bays (2): Two secondary weapon bays on the port and starboard side of the fuselage contain 6 hardpoints each for medium range missiles. The standard weapons load is listed below:

Crew: Pilot and Chief/Weapons Officer

Engines: 2 Republic Dynamics TF-900 turbines each rated at 310 kN dry thrust and 2 TF-220/A-14 combined cycle engines.

Dimensions  Height: 6.05 m  Length: 25.18 m  Span: 12.59 m

Weights  Loaded: 18,260 kg  Maximum Loaded: 34,630 kg

Performance: Power to weight ratio (loaded) 1:3.3; (maximum loaded) 1:1.7. Range is variable dependant on mission profile, load and ambient atmospheric conditions, but the UD4L is capable of dropping a load from low orbit, landing vertically, and lifting to orbit again from a vertical launch.

Armament:  1 x 25 mm gatling gun with 900 rounds  32 x 150 mm unguided rockets  12 x 70 mm unguided rockets  8 x 120 mm guided rockets  7 x AGM-220 air-to-ground missiles  3 x TSAM threat suppression missiles  3 x AIM-90 short range air-to-air missiles

Handling Speed Accel Body Armour Sig 5/6 2300 172 8 10 8(4) Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load 4 3 8 1 8793 Seating 2e, armored Setup/Breakdown 20 Entry 1 + 1h + 1r Landing/Takeoff VTOL Fuel Turbine ( 2500 liters ) Economy 0.3 km/liter DP Cost 41971 Cost 69,759,361 ¥ Loaded: 78,942,161 ¥ Chassis Twin Engine VTOL Reference The Shop Engine Jump Jet / Ramrocket

Features Acceleration Increase (Level 122) Increased Cargo Space (CF 616*) Load Increase (Level 904) Speed Increase (Level 1533) Efficiency Increase (Level 40) Signature Improvement (Level 1) Smart Materials Structural Agility (Level 3) Drive-by-Wire (Level 3) Engine Customization Load (Level 6) Secondary Controls Datajack port Rigger Adaptation Remote-Control Interfaces Remote Pilot Advanced Programming (Rating 3) Autonav (Level 4) EnviroSeal (gas, overpressurization) Life Support Systems (Man-hours 20) Advanced Passenger Protection Systems Crash Cages ( 0) Standard Armour (Armour 10) Ablative Armor (Level 3) Internal Rocket Mounts (Quantity 4) Turrets, Remote (mini) (Quantity 1) Smartlink Integration Kits (Level 2) Radar-Absorbent Materials (Level 2) Thermal Baffles (Level 1) ECCM (Level 8) ECM (Level 8) ED (Level 2) Chaff/Flares/ECM Pod 9.5m x 4.5m x 2.4m Cargo Bay (3624 CF) Other Features Ruggedness (-2 Stress Modifier)  Complex Chassis (+2 B/R Modifier)  Handles Like a Pig (-1 Handling) Weapons Weapon Vanquisher Minigun 900 round drum MDS Point Defense Laser 16x2 Mk.16 "Banshee" 150mm Rockets 6x2 ZEUS 70mm Rockets 4x2 120mm Ballista II Guided Rockets 3x2 Ares Dragon's Breath Attack AAM 3x2 Mitsubishi-GM Super Bandit AGM Type HMG Regular Defense High Explosive Anti-Vehicular Intel: 6 Intel: 9 Intel: 6 Load 45 45 10 2304 189.6 22 20 20 CF turret 8 5 64 12 6 12 12 Damage 10S NA 3L 16D 16D 14D 18D by warhead Cost 75,000 ¥ 800 ¥ 10,000 ¥ 48,000 ¥ 24,000 ¥ 20,000 ¥ 9.0 mil ¥ 90,000 ¥