Icing conditions

From Rise: The Vieneo Province

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We track ground and airfoil ice accretion in millimeters. Ground is accreted by plan surface area and weather conditions at a maximum of 7mm per hour. Airfoil is accreted by frontal surface area of airfoils (wings, cowls, stabilizers) and is a function of the TAS with weather conditions at a maximum of 177.8 mm per hour.

Aircraft and aerospace vehicles are equipped with Ice Detectors.

Loading a vehicle or PODS into a bay will also load any accreted ice! The ice will melt in the bay but will equal the same weight in water held in breakers (to keep it from shifting rapidly) under the floor grates. Inclined channels will guide the water towards the edges or back of the vehicle depending on the model. When the bay doors are open the water weight will be offloaded.

At airfields you can request deicing. The holdover time will be provided (in minutes) and ensures that you do not need reapplication or inspection as long as you are airborne by the holdover time expiration.