From Rise: The Vieneo Province

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PODS is an ackronym for Portable On Demand Storage and represents not only the company founded in 1998 on Earth but more importantly is synonymous with the branded containers exclusively used throughout the Rise universe.

The PODS Brand Container

PODS Container

There are 394 PODS containers in use throughout the Yonmaran System as of December 1, 2232.

They are manufactured by PODS with a steel frame construction and marine-grade wood interior. An engineer certified that the sturdy, weather resistant container can withstand a wind velocity of up to 177 kph while partially full.

Approximate Measurements
Length 4.8768 meters
Width 2.4384 meters
Height 2.4384 meters
Interior Nominal (not taking interior beams into consideration)
Area 10.96255872 meters2
Volume 26.75942002944 meters3
Interior Clear (taking interior beams into consideration)
Area 9.94062528 meters2
Volume 22.851695199744 meters3
Door Opening
Width 2.032 meters2
Height 1.9304 meters2
Empty Weight 0.90718474 MT
Unit Load (PSF) 35.5 kg

The floor of the container is a tenth of a meter off the ground. It is equipped with a roll-up door at one end. The roof/ceiling is made from a translucent plastic to allow natural light to enter the container from above.

How to Use them in RISE

What kind of PODS are there?

There are five (5) primary types of PODS:

Where can I buy PODS?

PODS can be bought at CPOC but CPOC will only sell them if it has foodstuffs, refined fuel, and fabricated material (all commodities) to build them.

Prices as follows: Aux Fuel 5241 CR. Cargo 1654 CR. Construction 6339 CR. Passenger 7338 CR. Munitions ???? CR.

If you wonder now how do obtain a PODS when you only have a ground vehicle, my advice is snatch one of the PODS that lies around Deois. It is polite to ask the owner or inform him the next time you see him/her online. The least you can do is to return it to the place you took it from!

You can also keep your eye out for PODS that are flagged for repossession, open for salvage title, or available for auction at VBay.

How can I find PODS?

To be able to see PODS in your contact list. Their IVR starts with 0 (ie. 00259)

What kind of information do you get when you scan a PODS

Typically you will see

  • IVR 00
  • Type (Passenger, Cargo, Fuel, Construction)
  • Registered to (Owner)
  • Menu options Shift F to transfer fuel it it Shift C to transfer cash
  • Weight
  • Destination

What kind of vehicles can load PODS and how many in each?

  • T-120 Steerhead - 1 Bay
  • T-19 Stratomaster - 1 Bay
  • A-4 Wanderer - 1 Bay
  • W-6 Manx - 3 Bays
  • E-10 Saint - 6 Bays
  • E-11 Saint - 6 Bays

How do I load a PODS?

Press the "TAB" key to change the selected contact to a PODS in the contacts list. Scan it by hitting "Shift+S" and it will pull up your scanner on the MFD. Maneuver within 250 meters of the PODS. When there hit Shift+L to load it into/onto your vehicle. Note: it will load the PODS in to the first available cargo bay!

How do I fill/empty a PODS?

  • Store menus will handle buying/selling commodities to/from cargo PODS
  • Passenger menus (curbside, terminal, dock) will handle enplane/deplane passengers to/from passenger PODS
  • Refined Fuel can be transferred between an Auxiliary Fuel PODS and a vehicle
  • Longarm ordinance can be transferred between a Munitions PODS and a Longarm Launcher
    • The Cargo bay doors (unless on a flat bed like T-120) must be opened first
    • Select PODS in Cargo Manifest for unload, contact list to load.
    • Shift L to load shift U to unload
    • Keep in mind positive and negative values

How do I unload PODS?

Select it in your Cargo Manifest and hit Shift+U to unload it. The PODS will appear near your position.

Known Issues

Id Category Severity Status Updated Summary
0000866 Deois feature closed (reskin) 2021-01-02 PODS dealership in the city
0001107 Vehicles feature resolved (reskin) 2020-10-12 PODS usage count is based on how many times it has been loaded in a bay!
0001410 Vehicles minor closed (reskin) 2020-05-12 PODS remaster project - Aux Fuel
0000954 Vehicles minor closed (reskin) 2020-01-04 PODS remaster project - Construction
0001413 Vehicles minor closed (reskin) 2020-01-04 PODS remaster project - Passenger
0001411 Vehicles minor closed (reskin) 2019-09-15 PODS remaster project - Cargo (Aft Load)
0000041 Vehicles trivial closed (lambert) 2019-09-15 We have inherent support for serial plates on PODS

External links