
From Rise: The Vieneo Province

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Right of way

The government requires all plot owners to respect a right of way for road expansion.
Roads are planned to go North and South, East and West, through the center of each plot sold.

People that can build on the right of way

The plot owner can build on their own plots.
The owner of a territory that over laps a plot can build roads on the plot.
The local governments may build roads deemed necessary.

Road Segments

Each of the 4 segments starting at the center of the plot is 1 (one) Km long.
Each lane is 3.7m wide with a 0.5m shoulder
Each segment uses 11,056 MT of common for a 1km stretch

Grade requirements

Roads over 8% grade are unsafe and there for denied without special exemptions.

Exempt plot types

The following types of colonies are exempted from right of way requirements.

  • Airfields

Airfields are expected to maintain a secure area for aircraft to land.
Letting roads cross the runway is inherently dangerous.

  • Cities

The have already planned and paved their roads.
Additional roads through the Cities are prohibited.

  • Water

Without a foundation to support the road Vehicles would get stuck.
Long distance causeways are actively being discouraged at this point.