Waypoint Management

From Rise: The Vieneo Province

The Waypoint Manager is located on the bottom of your GUI by default. It plays a vital role in navigating in Rise.

Waypoints tab

This section is used to store and manipulate your waypoints. The Organizer lists these by great-circle distance.

There are four (4) ways to make a waypoint:

  1. Adding a waypoint by manually entering coordinates
    1. Click on the line that says "Unused slot for temporary waypoints" or a line you want to change the location of
    2. Click on ENTER
    3. Enter the coordinates (ex. S04.212 W026.066)
  2. Adding a waypoint by entering APN
    1. Click on the line that says "Unused slot for temporary waypoints" or a line you want to change the location of
    2. Click on ENTER
    3. Enter the APN (ie. APN35573144)
  3. Adding a waypoint to a PODS or Vehicle
    1. Click a line item from either the PODS or VEHICLES section of the organizer
    2. Drag the item to the WAYPOINTS tab
    3. Your new waypoint will be stored in the temporary waypoint slot
  4. Adding a waypoint of your current location
    1. Click on the line that says "Unused slot for temporary waypoints" or a line you want to change the location of
    2. Click on MARK

MARK is currently the only way you can save a waypoint with an altitude, the other methods put the waypoint at 0 meters MSL

Waypoints can be further manipulated through the following buttons...

  • ACTIVATE provides the waypoint to the vehicle you occupy so that you can nagivate to it as the USER WP on your targets list
  • RENAME prompts for keyboard input and will allow you to permanently store a temporary waypoint or change the description of a stored waypoint
  • TRANSMIT sends a coordinate to another player (you must first select a target vehicle from your targets list)
  • DELETE permanently removes the selected waypoint

Vehicles Tab

Vehicles tab

The vehicle tab shows all vehicles that you have scanned with their respective information. The contents of this tab is saved if you close the Viewscreen, so you can use this information later on. The vehicle tab contains the following information:

IVR Number Owner Class Registration Location Health Armed? Occupied?
IVR 53273 benjey E-10 USV PAMELA S 04.343 W 026.071 65% Armed Vacant
IVR 2134 benjey C-2 IVR 2134 IVR 53273 100% Unarmed Vacant
IVR 2503 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN SEE REVS S 04.194 W 026.096 100% Unarmed Vacant

You can load a vehicles into your own vehicle by dragging it to the Vehicle Tab onto Inventory.