T-121 Steerhead

From Rise: The Vieneo Province

(Redirected from T-120 Steerhead)
T-121 Steerhead

The T-121 Steerhead is the latest in heavy vehicles generally employed to move PODS or tow smaller cars (specifically, the C-2).


  • Cargo bays: 1 (open air bed)
  • Gears: 6
  • Stowage: None
  • Top speed: 105 kph (by limiter)
  • Curb weight: 7,072 kg
  • Internal fuel capacity: 818 kg
  • Recommended retail price: 106,714 CR

Version History

Id Category Severity Status Updated Summary
0000506 Cockpits trivial closed (reskin) 2021-10-11 T-121 Steerhead (Interior) - remastering project
0000505 Vehicles trivial closed (reskin) 2020-11-07 T-121 Steerhead (Exterior) - remastering project
0001571 Vehicles minor confirmed (reskin) 2020-05-06 A fully loaded T-120 Steerhead will launch up into the air when moving from a plot back into the city
0000673 Vehicles tweak closed (reskin) 2020-04-02 T-120 Steerhead seems underpowered
0001252 Vehicles tweak closed (reskin) 2020-04-02 Speed limiters for ground vehicles over 11 MT MTOW
0000667 Vehicles feature acknowledged (reskin) 2019-04-25 Transporting a T-120 Steerhead
0001128 Vehicles feature confirmed (reskin) 2019-04-25 T-120 Steerhead should make an air brake noise while operating if leaking
0000118 Vehicles minor closed (reskin) 2006-12-23 On the steerhead-INT I am missing a 'small ball.bmp' referenced
0000113 Vehicles minor closed (reskin) 2006-12-23 Steerhead interior map there is a gap between dash and bottom of windshield

See Also