From Rise: The Vieneo Province

GBAS Landing System

GLS stands for GBAS Landing System and uses equipment on the ground to augment or ‘enhance’ the accuracy of conventional GPS signals within 42.5 km of an airport, allowing aircraft to fly a precision approach. It is incredibly precise.

A GBAS landing system uses much less equipment than a conventional ILS – and there only needs to be one set up for all runways.

Essentially it consists of three things – a bunch of GPS antennas on the ground, a sophisticated computer and a VHF data antenna. That’s it. They don’t even need to be near a runway.

Instrument Landing System

The basic components of an ILS are:

  • Localizer antenna: Provides horizontal guidance
  • Glide slope antenna: Provides vertical guidance (glide path)
  • Outer Marker (OM): A basic component of an ILS
  • Middle Marker (MM): Used for Category II instrument approach procedures
  • Inner Marker (IM): Used for Category III instrument approach procedures