Mining Command

From Rise: The Vieneo Province

Mining Command building

The command center is the brains of the operation. This one building is the seed that let's you build every thing else. You can access all the menus to change what the mine is doing or charging from the command.

  • Need one (1) to open a Mine
1. Survey

Check the plot to see what type of ground the mine is on.

2. Rename Plot

Most townships, villages, worksites have a name. You can name your mine here.

3. Expansion

This menu list the building types, how many you have, how many you can have, the benefit of the building, the cost in material, and the labor required to build it.

4. Demolition

This menu list the building types, how many you have, how many you can have, the benefit of the building, the material you could salvage from it, and the labor required to raise it.

5. Manage Trade

Here you can store money for the ATM and purchases, list what items you want to buy and how much you will pay for them, what you want to sell, and the min and max you want.

6. Cargo operations

This list what storage space you have, how much of each item you have, and lets you move things to or from you vehicle and the plot with out visiting the marketplace your self.

7. ATM Fee

How much do you want to charge visitors for the privilege of not having to fly with cash that they could lose if they died in route to your mine.